P.S. Elmer would be all over that last misplaced sentence , but i think you see where I’m going. Like i said, i admire that you stick with your topic no matter

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Perhaps i am older and wiser, just remember i spent five years at Narragansett Racetrack so edgy is not my problem or difficult neighborhoods. People with complicated problems behave in erratic and unpredictable ways. I knew plenty but they usually didn’t know where i live. That is why i worry

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Don’t really like any of these stories. I worry about you, but I admire you sticking to your guns.

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You worry? Just imagine if Sophie were around to read them. I'd have to give myself a pseudonym let alone them. Well, I'm sure there are parts of downtown Providence, etc. that are every bit as edgy. Funny, I was thinking of when my old friend Jill told me that she was living on 3rd Street in NYC (and has for decades). I said, jeez, isn't that the Hells Angels street? And she said, yeah, they know us, we're "protected." Not the same, but similar. Thanks for reading them.

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